Thursday, August 13, 2009

Glucose Testing - August 12th

I went to the doctor yesterday for the glucose testing which determines if I am at risk of gestational diabetes. I got there at 10:10 and was instructed to drink a liquid in 5 minutes. The liquid contained 5 oz. of glucose. I had to wait an hour to have my blood drawn so I had a check up with Dr. Light. When Dr. Light came in she measured my stomach and determined that little Daylen is growing right on schedule. I am measuring 27 1/2 and I am 27 weeks along into my pregnany. Then she attempted to hear his heartbeat on the baby monitor. As soon as she put the monitor up to my belly he moved. She laughed and said she heard one heartbeat and he was gone. It took her a couple of minutes to find him again. When she found him she heard 6 heartbeats and he was gone. It was a funny thing to think that he was just moving all over the place to avoid the doctor. By the time I finished with Dr. Light I had 4 minutes to get to the office to have my blood drawn by 11:10. If I missed the hour time frame then I would of had to start all over again. I got to the office right at 11:09....just in time. I will get the test results back in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, my next appointment is August 26th at 3:30. Daylen will start going to the doctor every other week now for a month and then it will be every week until he is born!! I can't believe we are already to that point. He will be here in no time.