Friday, August 28, 2009

29 Weeks (7 1/2 months)

Darren and I went to the doctor this week for my check up. I found out that I will have to take a 3 hour diabetes test due to an abnormality in my glucose test. So I am taking a whole day off to wait in the hospital for all the blood work to be done. While I am there I will also have a sonogram!!! It has been 14 weeks since we saw him, so we are so excited to see him again. Dr. Light decided it was time for a sonogram when he measured 5 inches MORE than he should be measuring. His growth has been right on schedule each week, except this week. She said it looks like we are going to have a BIG baby!! Of course Darren is excited because he wants Daylen to be an NBA star!! =) The only thing she can come up with as to why he is big might be that he is stretching all the way out in my uterus. The sonogram will help give us a clue as to how big he is. I can't believe we are so close to his delivery date. My feet have been swelling more and more everyday. Most people are fearful that I might be put on bedrest before I deliver. Dr. Light didn't seem too concerned about my swelling because my blood pressure has been good. Today I really felt pregnant due to the swelling and my stomach seeming enormous!! Beth took a picture of me today for my 7 months. In comparison to last month's belly, I really have grown. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 29 (August 25 - August 31)

Daylen is really growing this week. He should be about 2 1/2 pounds and around 15 inches long. His muscles and lungs are maturing and his head is getting bigger. Every day about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited into his skeleton, which is hardening. He has been very active especially at night when I lay down on my sides. Today I was sitting in my chair after school and from the corner of my eye I could see my stomach bouncing up. My swelling has been getting worse each day, which may be caused from sitting and standing all day at work. A teacher can't teach sitting behind a desk, so I have trouble staying seated. Darren told me today that my doctor, Dr. Light, called him and told him there were abnormalities in my glucose test results. I am going to have to schedule an appointment for the 3 hour diabetes test, which will cause me to have to take off a whole day. I'm not happy about having to already use my days before Daylen is here, but like Darren said, I don't have a choice. She said that 1 in 3 pregnant women have gestational diabetes and then return back to normal after the baby is born. She's not too worried about it, so I'm not too worried about it. I can't believe we have 11 weeks until Daylen is here. Darren and some teachers at school think Daylen will be here sooner. If not, they think I will be on bed rest before he is born. I hope bed rest isn't in my future, but if so I am prepared. I signed up for disability BEFORE I got pregnant, so when I am off work too long I will start drawing disability.

Daylen's Closet - Under Construction

Since we were in desperate need of more storage for Daylen's very small room, my Dad volunteered to make a shelving unit and storage space. With the new shelving units, we are now able to store things in storage baskets and organize his closet. I decided to post pictures of the progress since I haven't posted anything from his room update in awhile. I am also posting a picture of the sports mirror I got at Kirkland's. Of course, it is a tad bit high because my Dad is so tall so we'll have to lower it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Glucose Testing - August 12th

I went to the doctor yesterday for the glucose testing which determines if I am at risk of gestational diabetes. I got there at 10:10 and was instructed to drink a liquid in 5 minutes. The liquid contained 5 oz. of glucose. I had to wait an hour to have my blood drawn so I had a check up with Dr. Light. When Dr. Light came in she measured my stomach and determined that little Daylen is growing right on schedule. I am measuring 27 1/2 and I am 27 weeks along into my pregnany. Then she attempted to hear his heartbeat on the baby monitor. As soon as she put the monitor up to my belly he moved. She laughed and said she heard one heartbeat and he was gone. It took her a couple of minutes to find him again. When she found him she heard 6 heartbeats and he was gone. It was a funny thing to think that he was just moving all over the place to avoid the doctor. By the time I finished with Dr. Light I had 4 minutes to get to the office to have my blood drawn by 11:10. If I missed the hour time frame then I would of had to start all over again. I got to the office right at 11:09....just in time. I will get the test results back in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, my next appointment is August 26th at 3:30. Daylen will start going to the doctor every other week now for a month and then it will be every week until he is born!! I can't believe we are already to that point. He will be here in no time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Week 26 (August 4 - August 10)

Today I am 26 weeks (6 months) into my pregnancy. Daylen has been kicking like crazy. His schedule as of right now is kick in the morning and kick at night. It appears that he kicks the most at night. During the day he lays pretty still. However, as I am typing this he is kicking/moving. I guess today will be a hyper day. Darren likes that he moves the most at night because he wants Daylen to be active at night when he gets here since Darren is a night owl. Darren said that I will be able to go to bed early while he stays up with him. We'll see how well his plan works out.

Right now Daylen should weigh approximately 1 and 2/3 lbs and should be about 14 inches long. He should be able to distinguish between voices so he will be able to recognize his loved ones when he gets here. His room is getting closer to being finished. My Dad is going to build shelves in his closet and come up with some doors. My Dad said it won't take him very long to build the shelves so once he finishes the closet I will take pictures and post them. It is hard to believe Daylen will be here in about 3 more months!! Darren and I are so excited and can't wait until he gets here.