Saturday, February 20, 2010

Daylen's 3 Month Pictures

When Darren and I were ready to take Daylen for his 3 month pictures, we sadly found out that Kiddie Kandids had ceased all operations. The manager at Babies R Us informed me that they received an E-mail from Kiddie Kandids and said that they are no longer an establishment and that all their employees were no longer employed with them. I was shocked to find out. We had ordered pictures from them and were waiting for a 16 x 20 to be sent to the store of Daylen's 2 month pictures. The store manager couldn't find my picture, so to make me a happy customer, he refunded me ALL the monies I spent on the package. So Daylen's 2 month pictures were practically free!! So Babies R Us in Mesquite scored BIG brownie points with me!

Darren and I decided to try out somewhere new for his 3 month pictures. So we went to JCPenney's. We wanted a picture of him in his Wrangler jeans and pearl snap buttoned onesie that Dianne bought him for Christmas. We were really pleased with the way the pictures turned out. Of course we had to wait 2 weeks for them rather than have them the same day as Kiddie Kandids did. We can't believe our little boy is growing up so quickly.