Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Week 23 (July 14 - 21)

Today was the first day of my 23rd week and Daylen is already making himself known. I got up this morning and had a fruit roll up (I know not a very nutritious snack for breakfast, but I haven't been to the store in 2 weeks). I sat down on the couch and rested my hands on my stomach, over my belly button. While I was watching TV, I noticed my hands moved without my help. I lifted my shirt and saw Daylen kicking!! I was so excited!! I called for Darren to come see it, but right when he got there Daylen stopped kicking. Daylen stops everything when Darren is watching. I guess he isn't ready to make his debut to everyone just yet.

I will keep you updated as this week progresses. Hopefully Daylen makes his debut several more times for all to see. =)


Beth said...

Daylen will kick for his favorite Aunt Beth. =)